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Monday, 15 July 2013

HTC One Android 4.2 update - latest news

HTC One Android 4.2 update officially rolling out in UK 'from today'

HTC One Android 4.2.2

Biggest update yet for HTC's leading handset

The HTC One Android 4.2.2 update has been pushing out in parts of Europe for over a week now. However the HTC UK Twitter account has revealed that today is the official UK launch day, and that British One owners should now be able to download the new firmware.
The update brings a wealth of changes to HTC's flagship device, including launcher and widget improvements, lock screen widgets, a way to disable the on-screen "menu key," quick settings in the notification shade, Instagram support for BlinkFeed, new video highlights and the ability to lock AF/AE in the camera app. For a full rundown of what's new in this latest HTC One update, check out our video feature.
There's no word on which, if any carrier-branded phones are getting the update in the UK. If you're seeing Android 4.2.2 on your HTC One for the first time today, be sure to hit the comments and let us know how you're getting on.
The HTC One has just had its biggest update yet — bringing HTC's latest up to Android 4.2.2 and adding a bunch of new features to the manufacturer's Sense 5 UI — in new firmware now hitting parts of Europe and Asia. In addition to the regular Android 4.2 features like Daydreams, quick settings and lock screen widgets, HTC's introduced Instagram support in its BlinkFeed home screen reader. There are new templates for "video highlights," a new swipe-up gesture for Google Now and and end to the dreaded black menu bar.

New video highlights in Android 4.2 update for the ​HTC One

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