Short cuts

Android Released Date features Activity Android Life Cycle Life Cycle of Activity ANDROID Version Micromax layout onCreate() onPause() onResume() onStart() Android 4.3 Android 4.3. Android One Android One smartphone Jelly Bean Life Cycle Moto X Nexus 7 Versions its Features latest Android 4.3 leak layout parameters onDestroy() onStop() 5G technology A new touchscreen display AT&T Android 4.4 KitKat release date Android. Apple Apple iPhone 5S Apple's iPhone 5 Battery CGL Canvas Nitro A310 smartphone HTC One Mini Huawei Technologies Layout Types Lenovo S5000 Mi3 Micromax Android One Moto 360 Moto G Moto G2 Online Payment Service SSC SSC CGL 2016 SSC CGL Apply online SSC CGL Notification SSC CGL important dates SSC CGL syllabus Samsung Samsung Tags:Galaxy Gear States T-Mobile Table Layout Tablets Verizon Visa Checkout Visa credit Wall Street Journal absolute layout airtel airtel entertainment android application development android gaming system android layouts android questions android rooting bundle debit cards developers facebook services finish() how to write android program iOS iPhone 5 identifying fingerprints indian developers installing interview questions on android for fresher iphone jailbreaking kitkat version libraries linear layout linux microsoft microsoft portal news note 8 pro nvidia online purchase operating system passport through smartphone redmi redmi note 8pro redmi note 8 redmi note 8 pro price redmi note8 pro specifiactions relative layout rooting run android application screen orientation smartwatch view

Sunday, 8 June 2014

New Nexus 7

New Nexus 7 all but confirmed

The tablet looks like a much more refined version of the current Nexus 7, with sharper corners and a less rounded back. It includes both a front- and rear-facing camera, which will obviously make all of those people who use tablets as cameras very happy. Android Central isn't all that confident about the specs list that accompanies the slate, but is quick to point out that an S4-powered tablet recently made its way through the FCC so it's possible Google ditched NVIDIA in favor of Qualcomm to power its next tablet.

Unfortunately the damn thing has a PIN lock on it so the Android Central guys weren't able to play much with the software. It appears to run at least Android 4.2.2, judging from the lock screen widgets, but it's entirely possible that the new Nexus 7 will be the first tablet to run Android 4.3. Either way, we have a few days before Google's announcement and you can be sure that I'll be hanging around bars in Mountain View in the hopes of finding some forgotten treasure.

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